
First-person shooter

A first-person shooter game that have some of the best graphics we have seen so far in the crypto gaming space. It is still early days, but if they keep the development going it might become a proper AAA-game.

Play now
Game stage
Early access
Entrance barrier

How to play

You will by now use a bought profile picture (PFP) as an NFT, which is our early access gamer pass. Once you have that sorted out you can go on the one map revealed by now and battle in teams on either the American or Asian game servers / game events. You can also practice your skills killing a ton of bots, while the real game is definitely once you have folks behind the other red and blue team members.

We recommend you buy your PFP on Fractal using the phantom wallet.

How to earn

You earn by killing. Whenever you kill somebody you earn in-game tokens, which can later be used to redeem our native token or an NFT mystery box.

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