My Pet Hooligan

Top-down shooter

The team has build this cortoonish universe with rebel bunnies who has left their cages to fight their overlord Metazucbot (did anyone say Zuckerberg). The graphics looks very nice and it is easy to see that their is quite some depth to the visuals and storyline.

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Game stage
Early access
Entrance barrier

How to play

The visuals looks amazing, the gameplay likewise. Game is build on Unreal Engine 5 and it has similarities with Fortnite and GTA example. It will be a battle royal mostly but with new elements that example Interloop provides.

The game will reward holders of their NFT with early access, but down the road it will become free to play.

How to earn

First you need a My Pet Hooligan, you can get an overview of the hooligans available at OpenSea.

As a hooligan you earn $karrots by fighthing your way through the streets. Completing missions and games will reward you with crypto and NFTs

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